Serving Tokyo's Foreign Community Since 2004
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Imports/Customs Clearance

Make importing easy — and affordable!


XPS Tokyo has helped 100’s of people import their goods into Tokyo.


Our main concern is to help you find the most economical way to import your goods and to make your part as simple as it should be. We can assist you from start to finish, advising you what papers to get and what method to use, before you even go. If you’re interested, we can even supply you with a list of places to shop which we have heard from our customers are reliable and trust-worthy.





Below is a simple list of papers to get when shopping overseas.




  • INVOICE — Important as this is used to determine the taxable amount.


  • PACKING LIST — Can be included with the invoice when dealing with only a few items. Should describe the goods and what they are made of (i.e. Wooden table, metal chair, porcelain vase, etc.). For more than several items a separate packing list, showing crate by crate the contents shipped, is advised.


  • BILL OF LADING — This is usually sent to you from the country of the goods’ origin, sometimes with the invoice and packing list. Be sure to give them contact details such as your address and fax number. We advise that this be sent to you via courier rather than mail. (The local shipping agent will fax you the arrival notice informing you that the goods have arrived.)


We also suggest you contact us before you leave so we can advise you as to what will be the most economical way to ship.




  • UNACCOMPANIED BAGGAGE FORM – Usually a yellow card, fill this out and have customs stamp it for you before passing through immigrations at the airport. The purpose of this is to get the ¥200,000 tax exemption—a saving of up to ¥10,000.


The normal procedure is for the local shipping agent to fax you the arrival notice. When you receive this, we suggest you contact us and we will then take it from there. We will ask you for a few details and send you some files that we need to process your order through customs.


We will send you our price list depending on what type of shipment you are making.



Other Tips


Most countries are usually very competent with packing. We suggest, however, that for Indonesia (Bali) you request extra strong crating if you’ve got less than a container load. Insurance is fine but prevention could save you the hassle of claiming.


Price considerations — Cubic meters, location and the number of addresses to deliver

Contact Us Today For A Free Estimate

English, French, and Japanese are all spoken.

You can contact us using the form or through the following contact details:

Mobile (Mike): 090-1217-4445
Phone: 03-5809-3240
Fax: 03-5809-3241